The Magnetic Poles – Research Workshop

 The Magnetic Poles

The Research workshop of Everyday’s phenomena in urban environment


Аuthor and leader of the workshop: Јelena Markovic

Dates and Venue: 26 and 27 of July 2014, Likovni SusretSubotica

Expected result: Group artwork

Organization and support: Center for Cultural Decontamination,Context studies, mentor: Sasa Ciric

Contact person: Jelena Markovic, M: 0638722425, E:

The workshop is free of charge for participants. Workshop participants are required to provide themselves with digital camera for duration of the workshop. You can also use the camera on the mobile phones, with better image resolution.

Workshop is based on different approaches to the research and process of collecting the photo material. Creative interpretations are constructed by making interconnection between recognized and selected phenomenon in urban surroundings, adequate to personal experience and perception abillities of participants.

Magnets are known to be dipole, to have two poles, which results in phenomena like attraction or repulsion. This phenomenon is starting point for consideration of a contextual, urban situation.

The main goal of this two days workshop is to gather material for the artwork that will be made and exhibited as a part of the results review of the project: „ Context studies-Diversity of Diversity“ – the Center for Cultural Decontamination in Belgrade.